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Registration is not required for browsing the catalog at EnamineStore, but is mandatory for requesting electronic quotations and ordering compounds.

Once you register, you can access your personal online cabinet, review available discounts, save custom sets of compounds for future reference, quote and order compounds, review ordering history, access files of compound libraries at www.enamine.net and more. After login, you can always modify your personal data.

Please contact us at info@enaminestore.com for any technical issues with registration or login.

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Enamine Ltd guarantees that no personal user data will be transferred to a third party under any reasonable circumstances. We reserve the right to use collected user data anonymously for internal statistical market research.

The security of the transferred data is supported by Transport Layer Security (TLS/SSL) encryption and verified by security certificate issued by Thawte Consulting Certificate Authority. Encrypted connection can be identified by 'https' prefix in the address bar of your browser; it prevents all the data from being intercepted while transferred between your computer and our website.

Please, refer to Terms and Conditions for more information.